
Financial Protection

In the unlikely event of the financial failure of the Policyholder this Policy subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy wordings or repatriation for holiday bookings as per the following:

  • This policy provides cover Non-flight packages within the Republic of Ireland sold by the Policyholder as principal to the contract

For definitions of the terms within this document and a copy of the topp Policy wording, please ask the Policyholder for a copy.

In the event of a financial failure please contact the claims helpline on 00 44 1702 811397 for assistance.

For and on behalf of Accelerant Insurance Europe SA.

This policy is provided by:
Arcus Solutions – 3 Cours Charlemagne, 69002 Lyon – SARL au capital de 1 000€ – Téléphone: +44 (0) 207 065 5300. www.arcus-solutions.fr RCS de Lyon n°853 774 529 – Code APE n°6622Z – ORIAS n°19006898. Le registre des intermédiaires d’assurances est tenu à jour par l’ORIAS disponible sur www.orias.fr

Entreprise régie par le Code des Assurances et soumise au contrôle de l’ACPR – 4 place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09

RC Professionnelle et Garantie Financière conformes aux articles L. 512-6 et L. 512-7 du Code des Assurances

This policy is underwritten by:
Accelerant Insurance Europe SA registered and authorised by the National Bank of Belgium and regulated by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (Ref. 3193), Acting in Ireland under Freedom of Services.

Policy Certificate 2024 (PDF)


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